How to use TRX training belt? What muscles can you exercise? Its use is beyond your imagination

We often see a suspended elastic band in the gym. This is the trx mentioned in our title, but not many people know how to use this elastic band for training. In fact, it has many functions. Let's analyze a few in detail.

1.TRX push chest

First prepare the posture. We make the whole body in a straight line, the core tightens the pelvis to keep it stable, the heels should step on the ground, and both hands hold the elastic band grip.

Bend your arms slightly, and then adjust the distance and angle between your body and the elastic band. The purpose is to prevent the elastic band from rubbing against our body when we push the chest.

Then the whole body is leaned forward and lowered until our forearms and forearms are approximately 90 degrees, and then pushed up backwards to return to a standing state. In fact, you will find that this action is similar to a flat bench press, but one is near fixed and the other is Far fixed.

In our trx chest push project, we must control our own strength and maintain a uniform force, so that trx always has a relatively balanced tension.

In the process of leaning forward and pushing the chest to restore our body, pay attention to maintaining the core tightening and hip joint stability. Do not use the top hip and do not lift the heel off the ground.

2.TRX y word training

This action is mainly to train our shoulder muscles. First face the training belt, grasp the elastic band grip with both hands, keep the forearm slightly flexed in front of the chest. Since this movement is a single joint movement, the requirements for our shoulder muscles will be higher.

During the movement, the angle of the upper and lower arms is kept unchanged, the elbow joint is always slightly flexed, the hip joint and the core remain stable and tightened, the entire movement is controlled slowly, and the tension of the elastic band is continuously maintained.

3. TRX rowing

This action can exercise the back muscles very well. The preparation posture is the same as the y-shaped training above. Keep your body stable and tilt your center of gravity slightly backward.

It should be noted that our shoulder blades should be actively tightened to maintain the sinking and stability of the shoulder straps, and avoid the posture of shrugging shoulders and arching back.


Then the back muscles actively contract and exert force, do a forward shoulder extension and elbow flexion movement, and pay attention to maintaining the tension of the elastic band during the movement.

That is to say, the distal end must be fixed, and do not use any force. When the back muscles reach their peak contraction, we can pause for one to two seconds to feel the tightening state of the back muscles.

4.TRX lower extremity movements

The preparation position is the same as the second and third movements above, with your feet shoulder-width apart, and the soles of your feet on the ground to maintain the tension of the elastic band. Then bend the hips and knees.

The angle between the calf and the ground always remains the same. Squat until the thigh and calf form an angle of about ninety degrees. This action not only exercises our thigh muscles, but also improves the stability of the knee and ankle joints.

On this basis, we can shift the center of gravity to one foot, pull the other foot back to the toe, and then do a lunge squat with the unsupported leg backwards, so that the training of one leg is more adequate.

I have introduced you to a few simple trx actions above, and friends who don’t know this device can try it by themselves

Post time: Jul-05-2021