How fitness helps mental health

At present, our country' s national fitness has also become a hot research field, and the relationship between fitness exercises and mental health has also received widespread attention. However, our country' s research in this area has only just started. Due to the lack of understanding, recognition and evaluation of foreign theories and practices, research is widespread. With blindness and repetitiveness.

1. Fitness exercises promote mental health 

As an effective means of improving physical health, fitness exercise will inevitably promote mental health. The test of this hypothesis first comes from clinical psychology. Some psychogenic diseases (such as peptic ulcer, essential hypertension, etC.), after supplemented by fitness exercises, not only reduce physical diseases, but also psychological aspects. Significant improvement has been achieved. At present, the research on the promotion of mental health by fitness exercise has achieved some new and valuable conclusions, which can be summarized as follows:

2. Fitness exercise can promote intellectual development
Fitness exercise is an active and active activity process. During this process, the practitioner must organize his attention, and purposefully perceive (observe), remember, think and imagine. Therefore, regular participation in fitness exercises can improve the central nervous system of the human body, enhance the coordination of excitement and inhibition of the cerebral cortex, and strengthen the alternating conversion process of excitement and inhibition of the nervous system. Thereby improving the balance and accuracy of the cerebral cortex and nervous system, promoting the development of the human body's perception ability, so that the flexibility, coordination, and reaction speed of the brain's thinking likeness can be improved and enhanced. Regular participation in fitness exercises can also develop people's perception of space and movement, and make proprioception, gravity, touch and speed, and height of the party more accurate, thereby improving the ability of brain cells to work. The Soviet scholar M.M. Kordjova used a computer test to test babies at 6 weeks of age. The results showed that often helping babies to flex and extend the right fingers can accelerate the maturation of the language center in the left hemisphere of the baby's brain. In addition, fitness exercises can also relieve muscle tension and tension in daily life, reduce anxiety levels, relieve the internal mechanism of tension, and improve the working ability of the nervous system.


2.1 Fitness exercise can improve self-awareness and self-confidence
In the process of individual fitness exercise, due to the content, difficulty, and goal of fitness, contact with other individuals participating in fitness will inevitably make self-evaluation on their own behavior, image ability, etc., and individuals take the initiative to participate in fitness exercises Generally promotes positive self-perception. At the same time, the content of individuals participating in fitness exercises is mostly based on self-interest, ability, etc. They are generally well qualified for fitness content, which is conducive to enhancing individual self-confidence and self-esteem, and can be used in fitness exercises. Seek comfort and satisfaction. Guan Yuqin's survey of 205 middle school students randomly selected from Fujian Province showed that students who regularly participate in fitness
exercises have higher self-confidence than middle school students who do not participate in fitness exercises frequently. This shows that fitness exercises have an impact on building self-confidence.

2.2 Fitness exercises can increase social interactions, and are conducive to the formation and improvement of interpersonal relationships. With the development of social economy and the acceleration of the pace of life.
Many people living in big cities are increasingly lacking proper social connections, and relationships between people tend to be indifferent. Therefore, fitness exercise has become the best way to increase contact with people. By participating in fitness exercises, people can have a sense of intimacy with each other, meet the needs of individual social interaction, enrich and develop people's lifestyles, which will help individuals forget the troubles caused by work and life, and eliminate mental stress. And loneliness. And in the fitness exercise, find like-minded friends. As a result, it brings psychological benefits to individuals, which is conducive to the formation and improvement of interpersonal relationships.

2.3 Fitness exercise can reduce stress response
Fitness exercise can reduce the stress response because it can reduce the number and sensitivity of adrenergic receptors: Moreover, regular exercise exercise can reduce the physiological impact of specific stressors by reducing heart rate and blood pressure. Kobasa (1985) pointed out that fitness exercise has the effect of reducing stress response and reducing tension, because fitness exercise can exercise people's will and increase mental toughness. Long (1993) required some adults with high stress response to participate in walking or jogging training, or to receive stress prevention training. As a result, it was found that the subjects who received any of these training methods were better than those in the control group (that is, those who did not receive any training methods) in dealing with
stressful situations.

2.4 Fitness exercise can eliminate fatigue.

Fatigue is a comprehensive symptom, which is related to a person's physical and psychological factors. When a person is emotionally negative when engaged in activities, or when the requirements of the task exceed the individual's ability, physical and psychological fatigue will quickly occur. However, if you maintain a good emotional state and ensure a moderate amount of activity while engaging in fitness exercises, fatigue can be reduced. Studies have shown that fitness exercise can improve physiological functions such as maximum output and maximum muscle strength, which can reduce fatigue. Therefore, fitness exercise has a particularly significant effect on the treatment of neurasthenia.

2.5 Fitness exercise can treat mental ilness
According to a survey by Ryan (1983), 60% of 1750 psychologists believe that fitness exercise should be used as a treatment to eliminate anxiety: 80% believe that fitness exercise is an effective means to treat depression This one. For now, although the causes of some mental ilnesses and the basic mechanism why fitness exercises help to eliminate mental ilnesses are still completely clear, fitness exercises as a psychotherapy method have begun to become popular abroad. Bosscher (1993) once investigated the effects of two types of fitness exercises on the treatment of hospitalized patients with severe depression. One way of activity is walking or jogging, and the other way is to play football, volleyall, gymnastics and other fitness exercises combined with relaxation exercises. The results showed that patients in the jogging group reported significantly reduced feelings of depression and physical symptoms, and reported increased sense of self-esteem and improved physical condition. In contrast, patients in the mixed group did not report any physical or psychological changes. It can be seen that aerobic exercises such as jogging or walking are more conducive to mental health. In 1992, Lafontaine and others analyzed the relationship between aerobic exercise and anxiety and depression from 1985 to 1990 (research with very strict experimental control), and the results showed that aerobic exercise can reduce anxiety and depression; It has a therapeutic effect on long-term mild to moderate anxiety and depression; the higher the anxiety and depression of exercisers before exercise, the greater the degree of benefit from fitness exercise; after fitness exercise, even if there is no cardiovascular function Increase in anxiety and depression may also decrease.


3. Mental health is conducive to fitness
Mental health is conducive to fitness exercises that have long attracted people's attention. Dr. Herbert, University of Southern California School of Medicine, once conducted such an experiment: 30 elderly people suffering from nervous tension and insomnia were divided into three groups: Group A took 400 mg of carbamate sedatives . Group B does not take medication, but happily participates in fitness activities. Group C did not take medication, but was forced to participate in some fitness exercises that he did not like. The results show that the effect of group B is the best, easy fitness exercise is better than taking drugs. The effect of group C is the worst, not as good as taking sedatives. This shows that: psychological factors in fitness exercises will have a significant impact on fitness effects and medical effects. Especially in competitive games, the role of psychological factors in the game is becoming more and more important. Athletes with mental health are quick to respond, focused, clear appearance, quick and accurate, which is conducive to the high level of athletic ability; on the contrary, it is not conducive to the performance of the competitive level. Therefore, in the national fitness activities, how to maintain a healthy psychology in the fitness exercise is very important.

4. Conclusion
Fitness exercise is closely related to mental health. They influence each other and restrict each other. Therefore, in the process of fitness exercise, we should grasp the law of interaction between mental health and fitness exercise, use healthy psychology to ensure the effect of healthy exercise; use fitness exercise to adjust people's mental state and promote mental health. Make the whole people aware of the relationship between fitness exercises and mental health, which is conducive to people consciously participating in fitness exercises to adjust their mood and promote physical and mental health, so that they can actively participate in the implementation of the national fitness program.

Post time: Jun-28-2021